Sunday, May 31, 2015

Change is hard

Started some projects that required some help from another person.  That is sometimes good and sometimes bad.  This time it wasn't the best. 
First thing on the agenda was to get rid of the old icky grout and put new grout on the kitchen counter.  This required some work that could have been done by one person but only if that person does it correctly.  Next came applying the news grout which also could have been done by one person but only if they do it correctly.  The third thing was sealing the new grout so in a little while we will see if that could be done by one person. 

Do you ever get tired of the same things in the same place?  In order to make it easier to access files a file cabinet was moved.  This left a few things that had previously been on that file cabinet with no place to go.

Next was moving a table built for a specific place to go to another space that was approximately the same shape.  That didn't work because the aforementioned table wasn't built for that specific place. So it is now back in it's original place. 

All in all it wasn't a half bad day.