Thursday, December 11, 2014

It's hard to understand

As mentioned before a person I have known for 50+ years is making a fundamentally bad decision.  He is picking a person that he doesn't really know over his family.  He is leaving his entire family including grandchildren so that he can be sexually satisfied.  I don't understand.  He refuses to see a pyschiatrist because there is nothing wrong with him everyone else is wrong.  It is tearing me apart trying to understand this.  Do you feel sorry for him or hate him?  Do you offer him help or write him off? My spell check isn't working so I apologize for the misspellings.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

50 + years lost in a blink of an eye

It's interesting when you know a person for over 50 years and find out that the person isn't the person he pretended to be. I don't believe that I've been mislead and betrayed like this before.  Strength of standing up to people is not one of my strong suits.  Curling into a ball and trying to disappear usually works but this time I don't think it will.  This person has lied to his family and sees nothing wrong with it.  Everything seems to be caused by somebody else.  Nothing this person has done was brought on by him.  Intelligence is not one of his strengths but stupidity appears to have won the battle of the brain.  Maybe the organ that won is lower than his brain.  The next few weeks will be interesting,  Thanksgiving is the first big test, the aforementioned person is not invited to the family dinner.  Maybe they have a free dinner in Mobile that will be available.  Enough for now, another rum and coke should help.  Stay tuned.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Knitting and losing weight

I started a new page and on it made the comment that I wanted to write a diet book on knitting and losing weight because it is very difficult to eat and knit at the same time.  Eating can be done as I have found when knitting at Barnes and Noble and eating one of their tasty sugar cookies.  At home you can drink wine and knit but have to put the knitting down after the 3rd glass.  Also make sure the wine matches the color of the yarn that you are using in case of an accident.
Started knitting again about ten years ago and since moving to Texas knit at least 2 times a week with a group.  Most of my yarn has been found at garage sales and thrift stores.  You can find very good quality yarn unlike the yarn at the local big box craft store.  Buying yarn this way also leaves you more money for chocolate.  Guess the diet book is never going to get written.  Taking knitting to the local Y works sometimes as long as you use circular needles so you don't get stabbed if you fall.  The bicycle is really the best thing to do while knitting, the treadmill kind of works but is a little more difficult.  Doing weights or the rowing machine is impossible.  Maybe I will explore all of the places you can knit and participate in an activity.  Thanks for reading my rambling.  Will try to post more blogs and let you know how the weight loss is going.